Urgently and decisively eliminating temporary and dilapidated housing

Urgently and decisively eliminating temporary and dilapidated housing

The Provincial Steering Committee for the removal of temporary and dilapidated housing recently convened a meeting to assess situation of eliminating substandard housing for poor and near-poor households, as well as policy beneficiary families. At the meeting, comrade Ta Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, PPC Chairman, and Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee for the removal of provincial temporary and dilapidated housing, urged local authorities and relevant departments to urgently and drastically implement this program.

Comrade Ta Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, PPC Chairman, and Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee for the removal of temporary and dilapidated housing in the province, requesting localities and related departments and agencies to urgently and drastically implement this program

According to the report from the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, a total of 1,617 temporary and dilapidated houses belonging to poor and near-poor households in the province are slated for removal in 2025. Of these, 1,246 require new construction, while 371 are in need of repairs.

Up to now, 9 out of 9 districts, towns, and cities in the province have established district-level Steering Committees for the removal of temporary and dilapidated housing. At the commune level, 105 out of 106 communes have formed Steering Committees (Son Long Commune and Son Hoa District being the exceptions, as there are no temporary or dilapidated houses in the area). The Steering Committees at all levels promptly issued operational regulations and assigned responsibilities to their members; simultaneously, 9/9 district levels issued a plan to remove temporary houses and dilapidated houses in the area. The Department of Construction also completed the design and introduced 3 models of houses to the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities for implementation.

The total funding allocated for the construction of 1,617 houses amounts to 85.89 billion VND (60 million VND/house). In which, provincial resources were more than 75 billion VND. The resources to be mobilized in the whole province are more than 10.8 billion VND, of which the provincial level mobilized from the Fund for the Poor is 4.4 billion VND; the district level mobilized 6.4 billion VND. The mobilized resources have currently basically ensured that the province well performs the removal of temporary and dilapidated housing according to the set plan. Therefore, the PPC Chairman suggested that departments, branches, and localities need to collaborate closely, formulate detailed action plans, and promptly allocate available resources to facilitate swift execution at the local level.

Removing temporary and dilapidated housing is a program that the state and the people work together to do. Each completed house provides a poor household with stable shelter, enabling them to focus on livelihood activities, improve their living conditions, and work toward escaping poverty, a reduced poverty rate in the locality, and a contribution to fulfilling socio-eco development tasks. However, with a support amount of only 60 million VND per house, many families face challenges in constructing homes without reciprocal capital.

PPC Vice Chairman Dao My suggested the need for localities to adopt a flexible approach in many ways, in which Party committees, organizations, authorities, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations focus on encouraging relatives and households who are supported by the house to take an active role in improving their living conditions, rather than relying solely on state policies or social assistance. Simultaneously, it is essential to intensify information and communication efforts to foster social consensus, particularly in mobilizing both financial and human resources. The guiding principle should be: "Who has something, helps with what they have; who has little, helps with little; who has much, helps with much; who has goods, helps with goods; who has money, helps with money; who has merit, helps with merit, to help eligible households construct their homes.

The removal of temporary and dilapidated housing has evolved into a comprehensive initiative, recognized as a bright spot in sustainable poverty reduction. In order to complete this task by September 2, 2025, Comrade Ta Anh Tuan has directed all levels, departments, and localities to expedite disbursement, allocate resources effectively, and coordinate support efforts to meet the established goals and achieve maximum efficiency. The Provincial Fatherland Front Committee continues to mobilize resources in society and the people to contribute along with the state budget and other contributed funds to support the removal of temporary houses and dilapidated houses for cases. Members of the Steering Committee closely follow the assigned tasks, regularly review, and urge branches and localities to implement.

"Determining that this is a program that the state and people work on together, localities need to organize the flexible and effective implementation, mobilize resources to participate, ensure that the support money reaches the right people, build a quality house on schedule, and absolutely prevent losses and negativity", said the PPC Chairman.

Source: Phu Yen Newspaper

Translated by HAI LOAN

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